
Rust User Group in Cyprus

AI in Rust and the Burn framework!

20th July 2024, Paphos


Last wednesday we had the pleasure to help and partecipate at the first AI Hack Lab. The event was organised by our friends at AIFoundry and it happened in Limassol at the BrainRocket offices.

I gave a lighting talk discussing my experience of using Rust to do Generative AI - and it definitely sparked some interesting conversations!

It was great to connect with so many talented ML Engineers and to discuss where the Transformers architecture is moving forward and what's going to happen to the industry.

You can find the slides here (with a brief description so you won't miss anything!)

You can also watch the talk here: AI in Rust and the Burn framework

As always, if you need support or if you want to chat with the community, drop a message on our Discord!