
Rust User Group in Cyprus

Welcome to CyprusRust

12th December 2022, Paphos


Are you a Rust user living in Cyprus? If so, you are in the right place!

CyprusRust is a new online community for Rust users in Cyprus. It is a place where you can connect with other local Rust users, share your experiences and knowledge and learn from each other.

The heart of the community is our Discord server, part of the larger Cyprus Developer Community.

On the Discord you can find information about the latest local events and meetups, talk about technology and share your own projects and experiences with the community.

We will try to post our adventures in the world of Rust regularly on this blog, so check this space!

CyprusRust was born to scratch a personal itch: we want to connect with other like-minded people and fellow rustaceans, so don't be shy and come and say hi!

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Rustacean, you'll find something to learn and enjoy on CyprusRust. So be sure to check out the website and join the Discord community today!